German Startups are going to the USA
Investors who like to participate in German Startups currently have to try hard to find the right way to invest. At the moment they can choose between direct investments in single startups via crowd funding, crowd investing or the operation as business angel and the direct investment in a startup-portfolio of a venture capital fund (explanations here). The purchase of stocks of young growth companies is fairly rare because they are not even listed on German stock exchanges. Because of the growing connection between Germany and the USA, lots of young companies get listed on American stock exchanges.The new high technology stock exchange is coming
The discussion about a new stock exchange segment lasts several moths now. Current newspaper articles make it look more and more likely that an opening will follow in the upcoming year 2014, possibly before Easter. That would be a huge milestone for the German startup scene.But which companies are the candidates for an IPO?Candidates for an IPO
Regardless of whether glasses-online shop Mr.Spex, research network Researchgate, music platform Soundcloud or the platform for micro credits Kreditech, they all count to the top candidates according to the journal Wirtschaftswoche.
But beyond these, there are few other companies such as Lieferheld, 6Wunderkinder, Trivago, Wooga or Zalando. All in all, we are talking about a circle of perhaps 100 startups. The advantages are clear: From a startup point of view, a new exit channel would be created, which would facilitate financing - from the start through the complete life cycle of the company. For investors, it would be made clear that it is an asset with high chances, but also high risks. Furthermore, the possibility to participate in young German growth companies would be created.
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